Sunday, March 30, 2014

A little bit of ME! :P

Well... so much for writing more often here... hahah well i guess i'm still afraid to bare my soul to the world.. XD its really terrifying! but oh well, here I am again.. :)

I really like writing a blog though although I worry and fear about baring my heart for the world to see.. heheh I guess that's something I have to get used to.. However, recent events have brought me back here again.... I do write in a little black notebook which I write down my most honest thoughts. but in light of recent events I feel that I need to write here... haha I'm talking so much nonsense.. :)

To begin with, I have been trying to change my lifestyle. Exercising more, eating healthier food, etc. I have begun playing badminton weekly the only exceptions are when I'm not free, which is really rare. :D I have also tried swimming and am still learning although I can't really swim that well.. heheh Basketball is another sport which I'm still experimenting on.. I now am able to shoot okay-ishly (hahah.. that's not a word.. i know.. XD) As I have recently found out, playing sports is actually quite fun when u have a group of friends that does it too! :D also I have made new friends which I love doing very much. About the healthier food part.. Well, I have been trying but not successfully. Still needs a lot of work. I really need to cut down on junk food. hehe my junk food consumption is sky high. *sigh* Changing my eating habits is difficult.. but then if I don't change then I'll have a shorter lifespan I guess. another reason I decided to change my lifestyle is because recently I have been falling sick waaaayyy too often.. I think the last time I fell sick was about three weeks ago.. O.O and now I'm ill again. like seriously.. I spend so much time being ill when I can be out and about doing the things I love and must.. hahah I also need to like really start budgeting myself and save more than I spend. *sigh* I do feel like shopping for clothes, cosmetics and so forth.. but then again what does that do for me... nothing much except dehydrated skin, pimples and so forth. well.. yeah it does wonders to cover all the dark circles and makes my skin look even toned.. but then I really dislike the side effects that come when using make up. Also since I already have to take extra care of my hair since it now has split ends.. Seriously the things I have to do just keeps piling up! >< After all that fuss then I would have to study.. well.. don't get me started on that! STUDYING seriously, even if I do love the subjects of the course I'm currently studying, I do need some time off too! *hmph* I can't be expected to study every hour of the day.. That's really saddening... I wanna do some fun stuff too that DOESN'T involve STUDYING!! *sigh* but that's life so I have to go through it... It's alright my break is in a month and a half! I shall be able to persevere. XD

Let's move to the things that I WANT to do during my break then...

heheh first I'm really excited and I would like to go STUDY *yes there's that word again* the techniques on how to play badminton properly.. hahah also I would like to learn basketball and swimming... need to seriously learn to swim properly... while we're still on the topic of studying... I would also like to pick up a new language preferably French! hahahh  plus plus I would also like to go hiking! XD Imagine a group of friends waking up way early before dawn and then hiking in the darkness just to catch the sunrise.. XD Isn't that an amazing feeling? I would also like to go rock climbing although my nails won't favour that.. :P but then again the feeling of exhilaration when climbing up and the feeling of being on top.. well it would suffice to say that I would gladly sacrifice my nails for that pleasure alone. :D besides that, I wanna go on a movie marathon ... Heheh haven't gone on one before! XD Also spending time with one of my precious books which I haven't read in months is also ideal! my poor babies.. hopefully they don't miss me too much.. :( oh my! I totally forgot I was gonna work this break... Now it seems there's even less time to do things... must make use of the time I have as time waits for no man or woman :P heheh but then I'm sure I will also have a lot of new things that I would like to try out.. :D I'm so looking forward to this not to mention that I would like to go on a trip with my friends. Then there's also the trip that my mum is planning.. XD I am oh-so-excited!! o>.<o plus all the shopping trips and fun trips and getaway trips also! can't wait! XD also I want  to go ice-skating!! XD haven't gone in so long eh... since I haven't had time for it till now.. hahah plus plus I also wanna go to sunway lagoon!! I haven't been there in ages! but the entrance ticket is extremely expensive. -.- But i'll work that out later.. *sigh* I have started daydreaming of my break again! It has happened countless times.. I lost count.. :(

But first things first.. I have to go back to studying now.. I really really need to study more often.. its getting late.. I should hit the sack and start fresh tomorrow. >< this is also one of the things I have to change.. PROCRASTINATION!! I'm extremely good at it though.. hahah *joke* that was lame.. I know.. -,- I guess this is it for now.. I'll be back to write again soon.. heheh :P Peace out! ^.^V

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