Wednesday, August 20, 2014

To Each Her Own Path

Hey guys! This is the first post after my long hiatus. >< So sorry about that. I know I have lots to catch up on but this particular post is going to be about something that I've come to realise after reading a few of my favourite story books over again. Sometimes even fiction and fairytales have a lesson that can be learnt. 

I recently realised that each and every one of us has our own individual paths to walk on. It may not be easy to walk down it alone but that's what we have to do. That's life I guess. Haha I've noticed that I'm more fortunate than others sometimes and that no matter how much I would like to help another person, sometimes I just don't have the means to help them. Makes me feel extremely helpless sometimes. Hate that feeling. I always try to stand on my own two feet but at the same time I feel that without my parents' support I would be no one. The need to be someone worthy of their hopes and dreams are difficult and no matter how much I complain and wish that I would have a companion to walk down the same road. However, none of that will lighten my burden or even give me someone that will walk down the same path as I will. That's life. There may be companions you meet along the way but at the end of the day, you have to walk down the path of your future as you choose on your own. 

I believe that no one walks the same path as another individual. Our paths might cross at one point in life as we walk towards the same thing for that period of time but when the time's up, well we all go back to walking on our own path and meeting a lot of other new people. I also believe that there is a cord that binds all of us together no matter in which direction our paths take us. The thread of fate that gives us the choice to either make the effort to keep those people that we meet along the way in our lives or to just let them go and cut the thread. The distance is not what drives us away, it is the ignorance of a human being. The thought of staying connected but still giving up when it gets hard or just becoming distant and that makes us two strangers all over again. 

The point I'm trying to establish here is that although we may seem to be walking on the same path, but in actuality we are not, we might just be walking side by side on totally different paths but the paths head in the same direction. The paths may keep going in that direction or it may veer which bring us to a different part of our journey but if we wish to we can strengthen the bond between be able to brave any storm that decides to drop by. I read this in a story book of mine once, it is said in that book that a silver cord is what binds us to each other. I believe that is so in our reality too, though I do not know the color of the thread of fate. Hahha. I believe that the cord that binds us to each other is weak at first but strengthens according to our bond. :) 

Well this is my opinion on, the paths that we all walk on. The thing that triggered this train of thought is the saying that everyone loves to throw around in an argument or a fight, 'don't judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes'. This was the trigger that made me think. It made my rusty brain gears move again. LOL I end it here for now.. Heheh :P 

An awakened kid ^.^ 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Catch up. :)

I'm so sorry for not writing more often. Truth is I've been extremely busy and when I got my results, well let's just say it was horrible and I have to resit two papers before I enter my second year. And so my routine of studying takes over all my free time again. Plus I have a friend flying off soon. So yeah gatherings and farewells .. Well it hasn't been an easy time so I didn't really have time to blog... I know I know I give tons of excuses. That's still no excuse. :/

I shall definitely try to catch up more after my exams. I have a final paper this coming Thursday. Can't wait for that day. Freedom! :D I have lots to say but I guess I'll catch up after Thursday. It's back to te books for me. :) 

Here's a totally random photo of my lunch! XD

Althea : Bare Essentials (First Look)

Hey guys! I'm back again with a review of Althea's Skincare line. I just received my parcel about a week ago. I thought of writing a...