Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A fun day out! ^.^

I was supposed to update this awhile back but as usual I procrastinated. ahaha  finally I got around to writing and posting it. :) hope you enjoy it! :D 

The day started off when I woke up and started getting ready to go and meet my college bestie, Nicole! We planned to spend the entire day together.. Haven't been out to meet her in ages that's why.. Well, last minute I had to help my grandma with a few things so I was delayed. Already running late I rushed to SS15 to meet her. As usual you can figure out the usual problem that every driver faces.... PARKING!! Ughh looking for a parking there is hell. After about 20 to 30 minutes of rounding the area I finally found a parking spot! -.- I, then proceeded to Salute Dining & Wine (by Pommes Frites) to meet Nicole. We decided to first have lunch with her course mates here. The food here was okay-ish and also affordable. The spaghetti was not one to die for but its not bad to swallow as well.. -I was in a hurry so I didn't get any photos of the place- *sorry* I'll do a complete restaurant review on this another time. :) 

Okay continuing on... 

After lunch we went to Sunway Pyramid to catch a movie! It's been so long since I went to a movie with her and basically just shopped and hangout! *excited* haha we decided beforehand that we would watch Rio 2 together but both of us watched it before with other friends and so we didn't know what other show there was to watch and so we went to TGV Cinemas and stood there contemplating for about 5 minutes.. We thought of watching Sabotage but then a few of my friends said that it wasn't worth watching as there wasn't as much action in the movie as is expected. After much contemplation, we decided to watch Transcendence. Neither of us knew what the movie was about but since Johnny Depp, one of my favourite actors, was acting in it, we decided to give it a shot. :D The movie starts at about 3 plus. So we had about an hour plus to spare. 

Thus, we decided to shop and walk around.. Hahah we walked through the shops in Asian Avenue. Found a few garments that we liked but were abit too pricey. That was when the decision of visiting Times Square in te near future happened! We decided to check out the prices of the things we wanted in Times Square as they might have a cheaper price there. :) After walking through the entire Asian Avenue, we decided to have some ice-cream! And what better ice-cream than McDonald's ice-cream! We tried a different flavour that day. I couldn't remember what flavour though. :/ It was awesome! Then we say in McDonald's eating our ice-creams and played with meow.. Trying our luck to see if we could get good looking guys that can carry a decent conversation. Hahah! A waste of our time but well it was fun when it was interesting. ;) Nicole then passed me the Artistry's Eyeliner which I had been so excited to get! >.< Finally! It is mine! Amazing! I just love te results when using it.. Hahha.. There'll definitely be a review on it in the near future. XD after sitting there for what seemed like half an hour. It's time for our movie. :) 

We left McDonald's and went to TGV Cinemas, got a bucket of popcorn, a drink and then entered the cinema. The first thing that happened was that Nicole put the popcorn at the place where u put the drinks and I so happen to hit it. So about a quarter of our popcorn was gone. :( before the movie even started at that.. *sigh* We went back to discussing about the movie and how it would be. We were silent the moment te movie started. The movie far exceeded our expectations. :D It was an amazing movie! One of the best I've seen so far! Loved it so much! It is a must watch! I'd give it a 10/10 rating. :) 

After the movie, we headed back to SS15 where we ended up in Blackball Original Taiwanese Tea & Dessert. I got a bubble tea I think while Nicole got a cocoa drink. Ahha my memory is really bad. Anyways we say there and chatted some more while waiting for her boyfriend to arrive. Her boyfriend arrived shortly around 15 minutes later. :) we then chatted some more. Then we left around 6, me for PJ and she for an appointment she had that night. 

Never leave anywhere near KL at anytime from 5.30 to 7 pm. The jam is crazy! I left SS15 at 6 and I usually take about 10 minutes to get to PJ but thanks to the rush hour I spent about 30 minutes on the road stuck in the jam! I just get so tired when I am stuck in traffic. Anyways thanks to traffic, I was late for an appointment with a friend. We were supposed to meet up an go for dinner and a movie. We could've gotten Japanese for dinner.. But because I was late we had dinner at Old Town White Coffee instead. The food there isn't bad and not overpriced as well. I would give it a 5/10 rating. After that we went to watch Iceman starrig Donnie Yen! As usual I didn't know what the show was about but figured it would be nice to watch as one of my favourite actors was acting in it. Hilarious I should really do some research before watching a movie. That's twice in a day that I just entered the cinema to watch a movie I hadn't watched the trailer yet. Haha :'D Anyways, I guess my tastes in movies aren't so bad after all. As I enjoyed the movie a lot! Hahah both the movies I watched just because I had the instinctual feeling it would be okay was awesome at least in my point of view. :) Well, I headed home after the movie. I arrived at home at about 11.30. The awesome me had been out past curfew. I think I nearly died of anxiety. Hahah Anyways that was the end to my outing and now I'm stuck at home studying for my exams next week.. But instead of studying, I took sometime off to write a blog post. *shakeshead* 

Now it's time to get back to work! :( 

TTFN! >.~ 

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