Monday, May 5, 2014

A Simple Thought

We were getting along so well, getting to know each other even more... What happened to us? Why did we turn out like this? Once upon a time we were doing almost everything together.. Chatting all the time. You used to call me in the morning before you started your day.. I used to chat with you till the wee hours of the morning.. We used to plan so many things together.. Our paths seemed to be intertwined so tightly.. I always thought and believed whole-heartedly that we could be more. I miss you. I miss your presence in my life. My world once so bright and brilliant has dimmed a little more at the loss of you. Perhaps you do not feel the same way. :) I miss the happy times where you would always be there for me. You were always there to cheer me up. You lent me a shoulder to lean on when I needed one. You challenged and cheered me on when I tried something new. You soon became a friend I truly treasure and wished there could be more but some things just won't go your way no matter how much I wish for it to be true in my heart. I guess the time is up for us. Even a dreamer such as I would have to acknowledge defeat when the bell rings. Our time is up. I guess we just weren't meant to stay in each other's lives but just a stop on the way to something greater. I wish I could turn back time and experience once more the happy times which are now memories. Those memories will be treasured and kept and relived from time to time when I walk down memory lane. :) 

A girl lying in the grass and staring into the distance. :) 

From close friends to aquaintances to strangers. Fate has a funny was of twisting things and time revealing it. Perhaps we would meet again in the future and be the best buddies or more. I can't say that I could wait indefinitely for something that isn't set in stone and can be washed away on the sand at the beach. I wish our friendship lasted longer but alas my wish did not come true. It was amazing while it lasted. You taught me to stand on my own two feet and fight for what I wanted. If it wasn't meant to be don't fret about the past and look forward to the future as the future holds a great many surprises be it happy or sad or enlightening. :) Some wishes just won't come true no matter how hard your heart wishes for it. Some wishes can be achieved with hardwork. Some wishes can come true when you have true friends that can hear the voice of your heart! 

Inspiring Quote by Susan Daniels :) 

I am an easygoing and happy-go-lucky girl. :) There are times and things that would even bring me down from my happy place, but I know I have important and treasured friends and family that would stand by me and help me stand up again. I don't need many friends who I cannot trust or share my life experiences and thoughts with them. I only want a handful of friends that I can trust and share my honest thoughts without fear of being judged. True friends. :) That's all that I want. I want true friends that I can truly call my friends. I have a handful of true friends that have been with me throughout the ups and downs in life. Along the way I have met many that has taught me a life lesson and then went their own separate ways. Some stayed some left. Not many remained at the end of the day. Most came for a brief period of time then disappeared after awhile. The friendship just faded and died a natural death. True friends stay and even if we take different paths we would still be there for each other encouraging and lending a shoulder when possible. Bonds of friendship that keeps us together through thick and thin. :) 

Live life the way you want it and not how others want it to be! :D 

Be it friends or lovers. The future holds limitless possibilities. It's upto you to take ahold of your destiny and shape it into what you want it to be! The past holds the life lessons and mistakes you should learn from as well as the treasured memories of happy times! The present holds the moments that could be made into happy memories to be treasured when you take a step back in the future and walk down memory lane to see how far you have come! :D 

-the hopes and dreams of a dreamer- 

The dreamer floating towards the endless possibilities, even the sky is not the limit. 


  1. This is a very insightful read. Thanks for sharing. :) I've tortured myself on the daily for years because I thought that I shouldn't be burning bridges even if I'm suffering or unhappy. What I learned from those toxic relationships I apply to the ones I have right now and I've never been happy.

    You go, girl. Don't be afraid to follow your gut and be happy. :)

    Gig love,

  2. I exactly know these feelings and I had them with a few friends in my life. As we grow up, also our interests, lifestyle and so on changes... too bad. ):

    gig love <3

    1. Agreed :) Many changes takes place as we go through life! :)

  3. if you lose something, God will replace it with even a better one. Wait and behold. =)

    i really like how you express your emotions. keep on writing :)

    - from gig

  4. "True friends stay and even if we take different paths we would still be there for each other encouraging and lending a shoulder when possible."

    not exactly for me. you only know who are your true friends when you're no longer useful to them. people grow apart and lose rapport, but that doesn't mean they weren't true to you at a certain point of time.


    1. That's a different point of view and certainly worth pondering :) thanks! Another food for thought! XD

  5. I love the "The dreamer floating towards the endless possibilities, even the sky is not the limit." I totally agree and things like this are so inspiring.

  6. Woahh!! I'm a dreamer and can totally relate to what you are trying to say!! I always say to myself that 'Sky is not the limit when people have stepped over the Moon'

    New Post - xoxo Chaicy - Style..A Pastiche!


    1. There is no limit only endless possibilities! :D There's only limits when we put them there ourselves :) nice saying! :D

  7. I think it's better to have a handful of very close and trusted friends then 100'sof 'friends; that probably don't care that much.

  8. I know how you feel exactly and totally agree with your post!

    1. haha well, we all go through this at one point or another. :)

  9. Great post! Good luck for the future. Your friends will help you!
    gig love
    Travel and Fashion Tips

  10. Sorry to hear about your friend, but yes, maybe future will bring you something even better with that person. In the mean time, stay a happy-go-lucky girl. :)

    1. thanks :) if its fated to be then it will happen. :D

  11. it happend to me too. I have a bff, since our school day, right now we are just a stranger :( . Idon' know what make ous a part probably "time"
    Gig love

    1. i totally know how you feel. this isn't the first time it has happened to me. :( But u'll definitely find more amazing friends! :D

  12. Very interesting and though-provoking topic. Something that I think we can all relate to! <3 GIGLove

    1. Thanks :D I love topics that are thought provoking and debatable. ;)

  13. This was very beautiful but sad to read. You seem lovely and thank you for sharing your thoughts. Much love!! GIG

    1. I guess I suddenly felt lonely as it seemed that everyone around me was leaving. :(

  14. i love susan daniels quotes ,i do have lots of dreams ,what an inspirational post
    love it

  15. Sounds like you've been having a rough time.. The one thing I've realized over the years is that these things happen for a very good reason, and you'll find yourself looking back fondly someday.

    1. My thoughts exactly but then at the time, its hard to look past the present and into the future. :)

  16. i know how you feel. i wonder if this is fate trying to tell us something?

    1. Fate was probably trying to tell us that it was not meant to be and that there are greater things planned ahead for us in the future. :D

  17. I love reading this introspective posts. It's nice to read personal feelings and discovering you can relate to it.

    1. Thank you. :D I love writing these posts as it helps me express myself and what I'm going through at the moment. It also gives me a clearer picture of the situation. :D

  18. I love reading this. And I feel you. People changed. And I feel that I am changing too. Even just a simplest thing, maybe it means a lot to someone. But everything happens for a reason, right?

    GIG Love,

  19. Like your thoughts and truly agree with you. People do change so as things around you. Enjoy the current moment, cherish it, cherish the people. Let bygone be bygone, tomorrow is a better day, or worst, who knows? Most importantly, live happily NOW. cheers!


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