Thursday, July 17, 2014

Transformation! :D

A month ago I went to become a makeup model. I found this through the ads on some group in Facebook. I don't do this often so I'm quite excited about it. I took the KTM to KL Sentral then changed to the LRT to get to the Kelana Jaya Station at which she was waiting to pick me up. I was excited as this would be my first time being a practice make up model for bridal makeup. KYAAAA!! Bridal makeup! Awesome right? Well, to start things off, this post was supposed to be completed about a month ago. I know, I'm not supposed to procrastinate but I couldn't help myself. Now I'm going to put into words this awesome experience to share with you guys. I was extremely excited as it was only recently that I developed an interest in makeup. Before this, I was a tomboyish sort of girl. Even now, my daily makeup routine is a bare minimum. I prefer going for a natural look. My daily favourites are, first lip gloss, second concealer, and third eyeliner. These are the three things I never leave the house without. :D

So with that image of me in mind, imagine my shock and wonder when the makeover was complete. I tend to wear as little makeup as possible, even to dinners I usually just go with my daily routine or if I'm more hardworking, I add a little mascara to the end of my lashes. I'm really bad at putting on mascara, therefore I try to avoid mascara most of the time. I do put on some eye shadow and blusher if I'm attending a dinner. For one, I felt that there was so many added Steps. I also had fake eyelashes and double eyelid tapes on which made me blink my eyes really often as I'm not used to it. :) I find this experience really valuable due to the fact that I've managed to pick up a few tips and skills which I find really hard to learn through YouTube. I won't elaborate long about this. Just a simple summary. :D

The before and after! :) 

First, I learnt how to put on double eyelid tape. My eyes are actually double eyelid, but then its folded inward which makes it look like a single eyelid. The trick I learnt is to first put on fake lashes, and then attach the double eyelid tape. The fake eyelashes attached to my lower eyelid helps hold the upper eyelid up which then allows the tape to stay and not fall off once I blink my eyes. :) tadaaa! Also I learnt a new trick that since my skin is a combination where some parts are dry and some are not so dry, when applying foundation I would have to use a sponge and dab it into my skin in a circular motion, that way, the foundation would be evenly spread and it reduces my skin from producing more oil. :D truly it works for me! Now I don't have oily skin so much more often. Besides that, I also learnt on how to use the iron curlers, which I could never get a hang of before this. :/ Using a straightener is not a problem to me but then when it comes to a curler, it's disastrous in my hands! :D after watching them get my hair done, I finally picked up on how to use it. :)

There were so many steps that I cannot even remember how to do it but I forgot to bring my camera and so I only have the before and after. I didn't get to take a photo of the full process.. :/ well, there's always a next time. :) Now its photo time! My makeup artist is currently learning bridal makeup at Doris SP Aesthetic Makeup.. I will leave a link to her official site and you can check it out for yourselves. :D

The complete dinner makeup :P 

Celeste, my makeup artist! ^.^ 

That's all for now! TTFN! :D

-an enthusiastic kid-


  1. You look pretty even without the makeup. But the makeup looks professional and you are looking amazing. giglove

    1. thanks!! :D I love the makeup :D Planning to learn how to do it sometime. :)

  2. Wow! Where to learn bridal makeup? I want to learn. Can give me your makeup artist contact? Wanted to learn applying fake eyelash as well. giglove

    1. I left the link to it up there
      here's the link again. I'll also leave Celeste's fb profile for you, you can PM her. :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wowww!! Lovely transformation <3 ! Love how your hair is styled !

    xoxo Chaicy - Style.. A Pastiche!

    1. Thanks! :D That's the first time its styled that way! Trying to reproduce the same effect! :D

  5. The before and after pictures are so effective, shame you couldn;t take photos of the process. Make-up looks great.

    1. I know. Must remember my camera the next time. I regretted not using my phone. :/ Thank you! :)

  6. You looked really cute with what celeste did to you! And celeste is purrrttyyy

    1. hahah! Thanks :D I really loved my makeover. :)

  7. Wow. The transformations went well. The make up looks gorgeous.

    1. Thanks :D Well worth having to sit still for a long time. :D

  8. Wow the results came out great!! A great transformation! You look pretty =)

  9. How fun, you look really lovely, it's fun to see your wonderful transformation! <3 GIGLove

  10. I love the transformation. The final look is great! :)

  11. wow amazing ! You look so pretty and like Thailand actresses xD


  12. The transformation is amazing darling ! You look like a thai model.... :)

    1. Thanks :D heheh credits to my makeup artist. :D

  13. wow, really good make up skills! the make up look natural and make you look radiant!

    1. Thanks! :D Credits to Celeste! Looking forward to learning how to do that also heheh

  14. awww pretty! i love the outcome of this :D natural too

  15. Wow, loving before and after shot. Such a great look. Wow!

  16. Wow amazingg ,you look so pretty
    Nice job dear

  17. OMG what a great transformation and you're so pretty!!! <3

    1. Thanks! :D I really enjoyed and loved it! :)

  18. Wow! You should do a lot of this hun! I bet your MUA, loves your face! You are pretty hun! :)

    1. Thanks! :) Looking forward to further explore this path! :D

  19. WOW!!!! Gorgeous!! I've never heard of using double sided tap on eyes. I def would love to learn more about that.

    1. yeah ikr! I'm still trying to use the double lid tape. it makes my eyes look more awake. ^^

  20. you look so different in the after shot! the makeup made such a difference!

  21. Thanks! :) I was also slightly shocked in the beginning! but I absolutely love the look! :D

  22. The before and after photo really has a big difference. It's beautiful!

    GigLove! <3


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